This is a vore game and contains hunger and stomach growling. It is sfw. It is not an expansion game it is mostly a sounds game. No bellies getting bigger, but there is a starving demon cat furry. 

Drag the food from the food corner to the poor cat, Monch Cat. He's a cursed demon cat who meddled with powers he shouldn't have to try to be able to eat more, and it worked, but now, every full moon, he gets a big ol black hole in his stomach until the moon sets, and he gets progressively hungrier the fuller the moon is and vice versa. He barged into my kitchen and ate all my food 'because he's my friend (exept when the moon is full)' and now he wont leave until the full moon is over because he's hungry and also he doesn't wanna spend his night of endless hunger alone. I wanna get to bed I don't wanna feed an endlessly hungry monster cat all night. So you have to feed him now. And remember he never gets full on a full moon cuz the black hole in his belly. Ok g'night *goes into bedroom and locks door and turns white noise machine to volume 11*. 

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